The new Corset Top is such a fun and amazing pattern. During testing, Rae Miller shared an idea, and I knew I had to try it! Leaving out the center panel and replacing it with a lace up front is brilliant! There are a few things that need to be done for this hack, but they are not complicated!
Pieces required:
Main Pieces
Front Middle 2 Mirror Images
Front Side 2 Mirror Images
Corset Back 1 on Fold
Loops and tie- cut 2 fabric strips WOF x 1.5-2”
Lining Pieces
Front Liner
Front Side 2 Mirror Images
Corset Back 1 on Fold
Shelf Bra
Shelf Bra Front on Fold
Corset Back 1 on Fold
Choose options and cut corresponding pieces. You’ll need to trim the center front of your Lining Front or Shelf Front pattern pieces and add a S/A to the that piece as well as your Main Middle Front Piece. It should look similar to the image below.

Preparing the loops and tie
- Fold your strips of fabric RST, sew, then use your preferred method to pull the right sides out.
- Take one strip and cut it into 2” segments. For corset length, I used 10 loops per side. This will vary depending on size and length of your top.

Attaching loops to front
- Baste your loops to the front Middle Pieces of your top.

Sewing front pieces
- Sew the side pieces to the middle pieces as directed in the pattern instructions
- Sew shoulder seams as directed in pattern instructions
Lining and main
- Place main and lining pieces RST at the center and neckline
- Sew together
- Continue with the pattern instructions
- One your top is complete, lace it up and trim your tie ends to a comfortable length!!

Cool hack! Thanks for sharing with us! 🥰
Cool hack! Thanks for sharing with us! 🥰